The feeling of "Apathy" This is one of a series of digital works dedicated to very strong emotional states: apathy, fear, acceptance, courage, etc. The main idea of the works is to look differently at what is happening to you, your child or teenager. In the contemplation of such paintings there is an element of art therapy, the non-verbal language of art, which helps to restore the mental and emotional state through symbols. The painting depicts a girl who is simply lying inactive, possibly losing interest in life. “Apathy” surrounds her with a huge monster, it carefully looks at the girl, but does not draw deeper into itself, but carefully embraces. With all my appearance, making it clear that everyone has such periods of fatigue and indifference to what is happening, but I am nearby and not as scary as it might seem. Lie down in my soft embrace and wake up with a new hope and desire to live, do not be afraid of anything!